Jean Deaux • "Pressure"

album coming soon, this will be on Apple Music/Spotify soon. enjoy xx art by Mixed by

Jean Deaux has always demonstrated a creative mind in her music, and her execution is catching up with the concepts in a big way. Combining club vibes with sultry singing and rapping, Jean Deaux has released her best track in a minute with "Pressure". Anyone who enjoyed "Father Time" will find something to like here, beat pounding and Jean Deaux crooning at her best. The song is danceable, personal, heavy, all familiar traits to a Jean Deaux track, but "Pressure" is upping the ante. The production from Tim Suby exceeds expectations, and is the perfect compliment to Jean Deaux's quality vocals and songwriting. Another example of Jean Deaux's unique musical perspective and voice, the result is her name and music spreading far from the local music world of Chicago, to places as far as South Africa and Europe, where she has discovered a surprising fan-bases. "Pressure" is right, Jean Deaux keeps raising the bar with every song she releases - there's an album on the way as well, and you can count on it maintaining that same high standard.