Thelonious Martin • U 4 ME EP

n(m): A Nic De La Paz & Thelonious Martin Collaboration for Valentines Day brought to you by Botanica NY

Thelonious Martin dropped a heater on Valentine's Day. In direct collaboration with his lady friend, Nic De La Paz, the two released U 4 ME, a five song instrumental ode to love, lust, adoration, and soul music . 

Featuring sampled goodness and some of the finest drums (listen to "Surrender" over and over), the EP comes brought to you by Botánica NY, of which Nic De La Paz is affiliated. In connection with the five songs, you can grab an assortment of King's Rings

How fitting, by the way, that Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday this year, as this EP fits nicely within the confines of a Sunday morning. As Thelo has been known to do in the past, he definitely took proper advantage on the day of rest (and the day of love) to release something special, both for himself personally and as a nice soundtrack for all of the lovers in the Windy City (and beyond). Shout out to a young Hova on the interlude.