Rich Jones • "Call First"

Directed by Katie Levine

I think most of us can relate to being unhappy with a job at some point in our lives, and Rich Jones is no exception. He just chose to walk away from the life of 9 to 5's and pursue something a little more rewarding, his music. Now that we've had the pleasure of digesting Rich Jones' recently released Pink Slips EP, the Chicago emcee and man of the people has decided to dive into the visual portion of the project with the Katie Levine directed "Call First".

A firm believer of the "funemployment" lifestyle, Rich forgoes the the suit and tie in favor a dirty Cubs hat and freedom. With pursuing any passion, there is often struggle associated with the absence of a regular paycheck, but like Rich says in this single, "it won't be like this always. Rich's positive outlook on life is portrayed nicely with a look into a day in his life. Making moves around Chicago and practicing his clearly choreographed dance moves is something you can expect regularly from Jones. Whether you are an artist chasing a dream, or a business professional chasing a check, the vibes put out by Rich Jones can be appreciated by all. Make sure to check out Pick Slips if you haven't already.