Add-2 • "10,000 Hours"

One of the cool things about the contemporary music scene is that there is a seemingly endless array of nooks and crannies for an artist to nestle themselves into. In that sense, 'making it' has become a relatively abstract term that is the silver lining in the world of Spotify and discounted full-length projects. An act we've seen work his way into a solid and self-sustaining hustle is Add-2 who has been finding success in creative freedom since signing with JAMLA back in 2014 and returns with a new one inspired by Kanye West's "30 Hours" morphing it into his own version, "10,000 Hours".

On this one, Add-2 makes things his own over the familiar production by adjusting the angle to point towards the amount of time that is understood as necessary before greatness is palpable and with the amount of syllables dude packs into this one, it's apparent he's been putting the time in. I rememer interviewing Rapsody back in 2011 when she was signed to the same imprint and she described her time alongside 9th Wonder as Rap Boot Camp. For an artist like Add-2 that put the onus of his work squarely on the wordplay and talent, it appears he continues to prove he made a great decision with the signing. And continues to slay here as well.
