Spenzo • "Hype Freestyle"

Words by Peter Bonamici

There seems to be a trend in the Chicago rap scene which is truly perplexing when it comes to artist’s spontaneity in relation to releasing music. Some artists will release full on projects with no prior hype at all, others constantly hint at bigger projects with little to no hard facts proving or disproving the existence of said project, then we have the Spenzo's of the world. Artists that don't seem to have any rhyme or reason behind their release dates. Every single, feature, or freestyle often feels like a receiving a gift on a holiday you didn't even know existed. 

Without a full project release in some time, we are left longing in what seems like an eternity, waiting for one of our favorite artist’s next at bat. With the massive commercial hit "Wife Er" becoming more and more of a throwback as the years pass, continues to prove himself with every release he's peppered throughout the year so far. Today marks another quasi-Christmas with Spenzo’s new "Hype Freestyle", another deep notch in proverbial belt. With bars more solid than a Cook County prison cell, this freestyle was given the proper love and respect most artists give their lead singles.