Premiere • theWHOevers & ShowYouSuck: "4 Finger Ring"

Those who rap together stay together and today we get the distinct opportunity to debut a new one from a few names that have been rapping their asses off in Chicago for some time as theWHOevers team up with none other than ShowYouSuck for the joint video and single release of their collaboration, "4 Finger Ring". 

Having been around for a minute, both DotKom and J. Arthur of theWHOevers and Show have built up considerable libraries, each seeming to push in different directions of this malleable artform we call hip-hop. While the duo stuck to the stylings of the 'golden age' of hip-hop, aiming for boom-bap beats and kickback flows, Show developed a style unto himself that pulled from the cross-section of growing up going to DIY shows and listening to rap music. What we didn't know off the bat actually was that both of these differing approaches had their origins in the same place: Northern Illinois University where these three all met. More on that is available in the Q+A with theWHOevers below but the song itself is an impressive offering that plays on components of both acts' styles while staying true at the same damn time. Hip-hop has many forms, and these three know that well. Check out the world premiere of "4 Finger Ring" in song or visual form above and expect plenty more from these local mainstays.

Produced by J. Arthur @saxophoneflow co-produced and arranged by Walkingshoe @inthisshoe Recorded by Switch @Switch4Short Mixed and Mastered by Chris Classick of Classick Studios @ChrisClassick Artwork by B. Easy New W? Album soon.

theWHOevers • Been a hot minute with you guys. We recently re-released and remastered our episode-styled acclaimed album"Marathon" that we dropped spring of last year. We have been quietly but diligently working in the studio just creating a lot of new material. Tons of new stuff will be releasing starting this month and throughout the rest of the year. 

theWHOevers • A lot of people don't know that Show, Dot and I use to hang out at Northern Illinois University together back when we were first getting our feet wet in music. A lot of our friends and acquaintances went to that school and we just all happened to build and solidify our friendships together there. theWHOevers and Show have quite a few records together back in our mixtape hey days coming up.  Show and I use to be in a three man group with a DJ friend that we met through. We went bySchool House Rock. You guys will probably never ever  hear those records. Haha.  He's also been a friend and well respected artist we figured why not reach out to him and make a jam. 

theWHOevers • For the rest of the year we got this EP "R U Down?" dropping this month hoping to shoot right into the new album after. This new album is going to be a little different then what is expected. We plan to release two separate solo projects as a full project but still have the essence of a group effort sound throughout it. Dot is more bars and boom bap conscious while my side is more vocals and soul/ R&B stuff. Think of the idea of Outkast's "Speakerboxxx/Love Below" record. Buncha loosies droppin' with homies and other artists such Slot-A and Highest Low just to name a few as well throughout the year.