Premiere • 3rd Dimension: "Chandelier (DVSN Re-Work)"

3rdDimension delivers their perspective over a powerful re-work of DVSN - Too Deep.

It’s a fact that dvsn is a mystery, but can sing some real soulful R&B. Madison, Wisconsin’s five-man group 3rd Dimension are huge fans, and fell in love with the OVO singer’s raw talent. They re-worked dvsn’s arguably best song “Too Deep,” blessing the track with some of their own lyrics, and naming their version “Chandelier,” which we’re premiering today.

While nothing can compare to the original, on “Chandelier,” each 3D artist picks up a verse, proving they’ve got flow, and that the “Too Deep” production can’t overshadow their bars. 3D presents their outlook, the dvsn beat grounding them, but also lifting them up and pushing them. It’s one of our first looks into the Madison arsenal that is 3rd Dimension, with hopefully more to come.

For those who are unfamiliar, who is 3rd Dimension?

[We’re] a hip-hop collective out of Madison, Wisconsin. We started as five friends who made songs for fun, but after gaining support and recognition from people across our city and our region we've turned into a full blown movement — and our online presence and packed out shows speak to our progression and success. The artists that make up the team are Probz, Spaz, Reeks, Half-Breed, and artist-producer Burn$ampsoN.

What's the hip-hop scene like out in Madison?

It’s complicated because the city is saturated with talent, yet it's taken a while for us to get the recognition that we know we deserve. Within the city, the venues are just starting to allow local hip-hop acts to shine, but there's still a stigma placed on the genre so there's plenty of barriers to fight through. It makes us appreciate every little step forward because we know what we want to accomplish, and we're doing it all for the city we come from.

You've dropped an EP and a handful of loosies over the last few months. How do these releases track your artistic evolution as a group?

Those who've followed us for our active years can appreciate the evolution of 3rd. We've kind of tapped into a certain chemistry that helps our sound and the result is better music. We also have been able to change things and focus our music more based on what seems to resonate with our fans. For example, the songs that we perform at shows to amp up an audience are a little bit different than the songs you might get from our online presence, but in both cases we chose those songs to keep fans wanting more and the formula is working better than ever for us.