Cago Leek • "Neva Cared"

Directed by SoldierVisions

Cago Leek's “Neva Cared” dropped last Friday, slipping under our radar, but we’d be crazy not to give it a shout-out. If you’re a bop fan you’re probably aware of Cago Leek at this point, but if not it’s time to open your ears. One might see Cago Leek as the perpetual West-Side feature, racking up views with artists like Lud Foe and Sicko Mobb, but that's no longer the case as he’s slowly and surely making a name for  himself on a an individual level. 

Why do we love the song? Cago Leek does a take on Chicago rap that is driving, lyrical, and incorporating elements of bop and drill for beats that run wild. “Neva Cared” executes perfectly on all three fronts, loaded up with island drums and lurching bassline, and most importantly an intense flow from Cago that’ll take the uninitiated off-guard. He’s going a mile-a-minute here, and both production and bars exceed expectations. Fame or not, Cago Leek has earned our full attention.