Fight Me • "Annie"


No surprise here – we love Supa Bwe. One of Chicago’s most dynamic artists, he’s been floating around the city in search of a new team to go with his surreal stylings. He found it in UG Vavy and producer Shepherd Hues; together they make Fight Me. For any fans of Supa’s work, this is huge news, and they’ve just released a song to prove that there will be no learning curve. The track is called “Annie”, and offers evidence that Supa will be taking a different angle from his past work. Co-vocalist UG Vavy is one of the best voices you haven't heard, IMO, and brings to the table a straight-up singer for Supa to bounce verses off of, rather than a straight-up rapper. Given Supa's rubbery flow, this works extremely well. On "Annie", UG Vavy takes over the production too, bringing a hollow, alien sound that perfectly fits Fight Me's unconventional approach.

Continue to expect bigger and better things for Supa Bwe as he progresses in his career. Uniqueness is everything in this game, and Supa is truly one of a kind. If you didn't know that yet, Fight Me is ready to make the news crystal clear.