Sam Trump • "Brother" (Ft. Add-2)

We've seen one Chicagoan break out of the city's limits on the strength of his horn lately, and it appears Sam Trump is going to be the next to do so as he continues to build on a huge 2016 by debuting his latest video with Add-2 for the single, "Brother". 

For his part, Sam is doing everything he can to reclaim his last name from the RNC folks, and fights back here with a continuous of the endlessly-soulful feels we've come to expect from the Sidewalk Chalk musician who's stepped out in a very impressive way since the beginning of the year. Here, we get a furtherance of Trump's push to place his instrument front and center in a way, proving once again that a frontman can come about in many ways. It's an interesting phenomenon of local hip-hop that the musician is once again dictating the sound, an aesthetic not seen much since the days of jazz and blues, two disciplines which unironically had their starts locally as well.

Per usual, Add-2 offers up understood, thoughtful and wonderfully-delivered bars that go beyond just sounding solid and tickling a fancy for conscious hip-hop we're all innately aware of. These two together are very dope and the song itself speaks to a larger message we should all take to heart. Without further do, go hit play on this one above!