Air Credits • "All I Need Pt. I & II"

Words by Von Heir Jay

I remember my first time hearing about ShowYouSuck, he was having a big pizza party/show at Chicago's staple venue for locals, Reggie's Rock Club, in honor of his One Man Pizza Party 2 release. From that point on I'd start to follow this unique rapper and future rock star, as he was the first to introduce me to a mosh pit at a rap show. Through Show's regular output and collaborations with a diverse group of Chicago musicians, I was introduced to the mash-up producers The Hood Internet.

Years later, Show and The Hood Internet have now have come together as Air Credits and released their first two singles "All I Need Pt. 1 & 2". Doing so just in time for their debut Red Bull Sound Select show as a band. Both records are very dope yet kind of different sonically. Part 1 is nostalgic with lullaby type synths sending you on a journey of things missed and appreciated by ShowYouSuck. Part 2 is more of a soulful and uplifting anthem. It almost sounds like a celebration when you can see all you need in your near grasp. They're off to a good start, but this is just the beginning for Air Credits. You can get all you need above, but I'm confident you'll be asking for more.