Tara Terra • "Like The Clothes"

Here it is, folks - the debut single from #TTLP2. Holler @ us. http://www.facebook.com/taraterratheband http://www.twitter.com/taraterramusic

‘Like The Clothes’ is a beautiful, strong lead single for their new album Where’s Your Light? from Chicago/Champaign-Urbana-based outfit. The song is upbeat with shades of math rock to it, tempered by diversions into classic-pop/ballad territory. Colin Althaus’ guitar work shines on this track as the sharp note picking and heavier chords lead the song in different directions. Emily Blue, the group’s lead singer, is a rare singer with impeccable control and nuance. The lyrics she wrote have a delicate simplicity to them that brings them fully to life when sung with her strong voice and genuine emotion. The new album, due out May 31st, is looking to be a good one. Catch their release show at the Empty Bottle on the same day.