Brittany Nacole • "Dude's Ass Was An Artist"

The eighth track from Brittany Nacole's debut project "Earf Gurl". "Earf Gurl" is now available on Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple music, Tidal, and all other music streaming platforms. Keep up with Brittany Nacole, follow her on Twitter and Instagram @Brittany_Nacole

Still buzzing from the release of her sophomore album Earf Gurl this past July, Little Village’s Brittany Nacole returns with a tantalizing visual for her track “Dude’s Ass Was An Artist,” produced by Spazzbot.exe. Her latest video since “Golden” back in May, the new song comes to life with the help of APJ Films, as well as a special thanks to her onscreen counterpart, Velz. Styled by her close friend KJ, Brittany and her “lover” engage in a series of events, I believe, many of us can relate to unfortunately.

The visual carries the song well, an accurate capture of the realization that, not everything remains exclusive as it once felt, and people change. Like the song, the tone of the video changes abruptly after Brittany runs into her “lover” with another woman. What started out as rejoice turns to pain, and she’s left with all the memories of what used to be.

If you didn’t get to see her live at Tonic Room on August 26th, I’m sure this video will hold you well over until she’s out on the town again. Here’s what Brittany had to say about the new video below.

What inspired the location for the video?

The video replays a story in my life that actually happened over a year ago with a past lover of mine, so I wanted to take it all back to that place and relive that day as realistically as I could.


What were some things about the song you had trouble creating visually?

Creating a green screen using paint to replay images on my lovers body.


Was this your first choice for a video?

I sent a project over to the director APJ and I asked him to choose which song he liked the most and would want to shoot a video for. Him and I have been talking for a while about working together.


How would you describe the creation of this song? Would you say it worked somewhat like therapy?

Yes it definitely worked as a type of therapy. It allowed me to express to this nigga how he made me feel with music. I'm not good with talking and at the time him and I had part ways so I had to express myself to him somehow and I knew he would hear the song one day, so putting the words to music I was able to express my emotions and get a message to him and also was some sort of closure for me.