Apache Grosse • "Everything Is Paid For"
Apache Grosse, an up and coming artist known for his R&B style, gives us another look into the talent he continues to exemplify with a new single, “Everything is Paid For”. The new track tells the potential story of a drug dealer making her way through her fast, dangerous profession in Los Angeles, enjoying the life it affords. A mellow mix of smooth guitar pieces and heavy kicks, this track has the ambience of artists like Majid Jordan, The Weeknd, and even hints of older R&B groups like Boyz 2 Men. Apache is hitting the end of 2018 hard with this recent release. “Everything is Paid For” let’s us a look into the heart and soul that Apache displays in his records and on stage. Besides the R&B genre that Apache draws from, you can pick out influences of alternative music and hard rock; something that is especially used in his recent releases. Be sure to pull up to an Apache show the next time he comes around your area, you won’t be disappointed!
Find out more with our exclusive Q&A below!
Photo by Julius Andorsu
You’re a new artist and this is your third single. What have you learned over the past year that you brought into this release?
I learned how to make mistakes the right kind of mistakes. The hardest part about being a musician is knowing what you need to be successful. The music industry doesn’t have a blueprint on how to become the next Chance. But in this modern day we are all lucky enough to have a ocean of information at our disposal. With every release I learned something new, about creation, promotion, marketing. I also learned how much work and attention each one of those categories require. I’m the type of person who hates to fail. But I’m also the type of person who likes to dissect and understand the process. Just because something didn’t go as planned doesn’t mean it was a failure. As long as you can learn from those mistakes and apply them to your next attempt you have found growth and success. And I made a lot of mistakes this year lol
The song has a great feel to it. What made you decide to set the song in Los Angeles and can you explain your lyrics?
Everything is paid for is a true story actually based off of a good friend of mine. I met a girl a while back while living in Arizona, who lived in Los Angeles. I never knew what she did but every time I would visit her she was always ballin out. She has the cleanest pad in WEHO wore the freshest fits, always had mountains of Gas to smoke and was constantly traveling. She was also probably the toughest girl I knew. It was always funny watching guys come up to her at bars because she would just destroy them. It wasn’t until later in our friendship I discovered what she actually did for a profession. If you listen closely to my lyrics in detail then you’ll know why I’m not dropping her name
You moved to Chicago from Arizona. Do you think Chicago was the right place to start releasing music?
To me Chicago was the center of the modern revolution for independent artists. I moved to Chicago right as Chance won his Grammy for coloring book. It was a blessing to land in a place that would play such a pivotal part in my education and growth as a musician. The market and opportunities that exist here in Chicago along with the culture is like no other. Couldn’t be luckier and wouldn’t want to do this anywhere else. For the foreseeable future Chicago is my home and I’ll rep it.
Photo by Amir Saebi
What are your main goals as an artist?
I have five main goals for my artistry
1 To create art that I am proud of.
2 To ensure that I have enough money to create without distractions or limitations
3 To provide opportunity to others.
4 To provide for my family and close friends.
5 To get to a place of influence where I help build a future that my children would be proud of
You’ve released music videos with your two other singles? Can we expect the same visual treatment for this single?
Yes! One of the most exciting stages of my projects is the visual representation. I have always loved visual art and I grew up watching movies every day. So now that I have the opportunity to create them I feel very blessed. I always write the stories for my videos and pick the actors to portray the characters I create. But In all of my other videos I always had a producer or someone to help with production. For everything is paid for I am excited and proud to say that this was my first time producing a film in whole. I loved it, but one thing that caught me off guard was how much work it was going to take. I had a team of 6 and a cast of 14 people I was responsible for providing direction. On top of that I shot the video right in the middle of my press campaign for the single. The week before we shot I almost lost my mind. But I was very satisfied with how everything turned out. We are currently in the editing stage now and you can expect the film to come out early 2019.
Who are some of the other artists in the city that inspire you and in what ways?
I have a lot of artists on this list at the moment. Chicago is popping off on all levels and people are making their moves. Further in their career obviously Chance, Peter Cottontale, Joey Purp. A couple friends I see making a name for themselves this year: Ajani Jones, Seb Torgus. There are a group of people close to my heart that are getting ready to blow. I am proud to be apart of a Collective called “THE HOUSE” Out of everyone on this list I am most excited about one of my House mates “Bryce Cashman” I’ve seen what he has planned for 2019 and it’s going to be big so make sure to pay close attention.
What do you have planned for the next year? Can we expect a project from you?
2017 was the start of my discovery as a artist and the year I gave everything up to pursue this dream. 2018 was the year of experimentation, practice, and definition. 2019 will be the year I push myself creatively and I apply everything I’ve learned up to this point. I have a project in the works that I hope will define my sound to the world and make my name as a artist. Thank you all for helping me spread the word of my art.