Kipp Stone • 'Late Xmas'

Chicago label Closed Sessions has been branching out with new signings that have existed outside of what has become typical for the independent imprint and one of those got a proper introduction via the crew as Cleveland artist Kipp Stone dropped off a three song EP in the form of Late XMas

Later this month Mr. Kolar, and the CS team will head south to Austin, Texas for SXSW where Stone will make his debut as a certified CS signee and here we get a nice entrance into an act that has been systematically rolling out since signing back in late 2015. While Christmas might be a bit far back for anyone to expect presents from Stone, the three track bundle is certainly warranted and, while seemingly without any production from Boathouse or Odd Couple, appear to set a more gritty tone than what we've become accustomed to seeing from the imprint. Take some time, sit down with this one and make sure you catch dude if you're walking around 6th Street later this month.