Anthony Pavel • 'Windows'

Every few months back in 2014 Robbie Mueller would call my phone with an ominous message about an act he was working with at the time. The first time around he called me over to introduce a short curly-haired singer who seemed a bit raw, but certainly talented. That act turned out to be Eryn Allen Kane who's currently topping Spotify lists in between tour dates. The second one was Anthony Pavel. In what should prove to be one of the more exciting young acts to come out of the city lately, Pavel has been, well, paving the way for a release for a minute and made good on his Wednesday release of his debut project, Windows.

Mueller has a knack for finding impressive voices, voices that need little help to find large audiences. In that sense, Pavel fits right in. With effortless vocals that seem destined for 90s-era boy band fame that should make holding down a girlfriend for any reasonable amount of time tough, Pavel is a true talent through and through that needs only to open his mouth to prove his worth. Here, he does just that as he allows listeners into a juxtaposed reality that has him toeing the final vestiges of being just another guy. He bided his time working in a backing back with Saba, who makes the lone feature here. That backing band also brought us pieces of Zaramela, who earlier this week debuted their first visual for "Equinox" via TheseDays and shares an album release show alongside Pavel on April 8 at Chop Shop. For now, enjoy the music, and pick up your phone when Mr. Mueller calls!