Elz The DJ • "Chance 2.5"

Wanted to highlight some of Chance's best verses/features since Acid Rap. Here's a mix of my favorites.

The hype surrounding Chance The Rapper's upcoming mixtape release, Chance3 due out May 13 could hardly get any bigger. As billboards and posters of the cover art by Brandon Breaux continue to pepper the city and the country at large some hometown acts have added their own intonations on the impending release, this one coming from none other than longtime personality Elz The DJ who offers up an hour-long Chance-inspired mix that serves to prep us all for the project and give somewhat of a segue to the much-anticipated third chapter.

For his part, Elz has enjoyed some marked success over the last couple years, linking up on tours and shows with the likes of Lil Dicky and Taylor Bennett but here is the first time I've personally caught any kind of proper release from Elz and it's a dope listen that moves along impressively and works as a nod to one of the better technical DJs we have left in the scene today. Dude does his thing and appears ready for a packed busy summer. Get in tune with what is essentially an audio recap of the last few years. Streaming above.