Bengfang • "Never Ends"

Created by Trent Holbrook and Bengfang via 88Rising

Chicago producer/visionary Bengfang has been releasing captivating material throughout 2016. A strong advocate of properly sculpting the full package, both his artwork and visual accompaniment seem to be just as important to him as his music. Earlier this year, we saw the tripped out video for "Distant Future", followed by his full-length Imperial Grade Project, which may or may not have the coolest packaging out of the Windy City this year. All of these releases create a post-apocalyptic, quarantined environment, where plugging in is the only way to properly survive. Alongside these drops, Bengfang also teamed up FDC for a virtual reality show as well as a Pokemon-themed DJ set. Yes, the visual game is very strong with this one.

Now, further kicking it up a notch, Bengfang comes correct with the video for "Never Ends". Augmented reality, virtual reality, living in a simulation, it all comes into play with this one. "Technology is changing our perception of reality," says Bengfang in his press release, further adding to the opinions and insights of forward-thinking innovators like Elon Musk. This video alone, which acts as a 360 degree interactive experience, shows you 2016's capabilities which were seemingly nonexistent just a few years ago. Fast forward a few hundred years and you won't know what reality is any more. The song "Never Ends" can be found on the last track of Bengfang's Imperial Grade Project, and it's great to see that April album revitalized in such a refreshing and technological way. Shout out to 88Rising. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go recharge my own battery.