Premiere • Tatiana Hazel: "Everything"

Tatiana Hazel is a Chicago-based singer/songwriter who has been gathering more and more attention as time moves forward. A 19-year-old Columbia College student with a signature folksy quiver that stays stuck in your head, she's made her way onto songs by familiar TheseDays names like Melo, Ju, and Kweku Collins. After releasing her debut EP, Wavelengths, at the end of last year (check it out here), she's since been preparing her upcoming project. Handling guitar work and production on her own, the song "Everything", which we are happy to premiere today, is the lead single from her forthcoming release. Enjoy it above while reading a quick Q+A with the artist below. 

What's the story behind this song?

“Everything” is the first song I wrote off my new project and I feel that it is a huge step forward for me in terms of finding my sound. I always start off by recording the guitar melody to my songs, but this was my first time producing an entire song myself. I wrote “Everything” about wanting to be someone’s everything and how sometimes that can cause a person to lose themselves. The song is supposed to be written as if I’m in a state of madness, which is a reoccurring theme in my new music.

How would you describe it to a stranger on the street?

A modern take on a love ballad featuring airy vocals with heavy vibrato, electric guitar, and electronic drums.

Is this a loose single or part of a bigger project?

I am currently working on an album and “Everything” is just the first single off the album. I have a few more songs already recorded but I still haven’t settled on a name or release date so I guess it’s a surprise!

What can we expect for the remainder of the year?

I plan to release at least one more single this year and am currently working on a visual project for one of the songs. Every song on the album sounds different from the next, however it still remains true to my sound. I’m really excited for people to hear what’s next.

Any final words/thoughts/shout outs?

I really want people to listen to my music and interpret it in a way that relates to their own lives. “Everything” expresses how beautiful it is to care about someone you love, even when it can drive you mad, but having love for yourself is very important too. Shout out to the wonderful people I surround myself with for the experiences that bring my music to life.