LEGIT • Maudlin

It's been a long time. I shouldn't have left you, left you. Bad joke. How naive of me to expect you to wait this long. Rome wasn't built in a day, but neither are paper planes. Plus, I like paper planes and Rome fell kinda hard... Still, I'd be lying if I said I wish I spent less time on this. I wish I spent more time. Originally I made this really weird intro but I ended up scrapping it bc it was probably too far left of a starting point. Would have loved to make that work. Oozaru is by far the oldest record, has like 7 different versions, and I still am not in love with the final. (no slight to Kev or Ralph they both killed that shit) I wanted to put some more drums at the end of Usual Suspects... I wanted to re-record some of the vox on Fatality. I can go on for twice the length of this letter about all of the things I wish I could change.. fix.. make better. I guess that's life? Maybe for some. For me "life" consists of working and nothing else. I lost a lot during the process of making this project, and as a result I have spent a lot of time alone. I pushed relationships with close family into a corner I don't enjoy approaching. I've let friendships dwindle. I've lost feelings of romance and affection that at one point seemed to be the only thing keeping my head on straight. I watched my past rear its head and interrupt any peace I was seeking. I became more and more familiar with death, through my own close encounters as well as losing some very good friends. I started questioning existence, and I still am. Also while creating the majority of this project I made attempts at celibacy that were both torturing and unsuccessful. I damn near don't recommend that shit lol. I never really feel comfortable enough to talk about these kinds of things so I write songs instead. Music has always been the only constant pushing me to keep going... that, and the unwavering support of my friends, family, and fans that will honestly make me cry if I think too much about it. I love them a lot. If you contributed to this project I cannot thank you enough, whether it made the final cut or not. Long story long, I said all of that to say.. We appreciate your patience :)

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