Produced by Yomí Engineered by Jasper MacRae (@jasper-macrae) Featuring Blake Davis and MFnMelo (@blake-davis-48 @mfnmelo) Album Art by Matt Wotjan (IG: digitalpaintfumes)

After coming in strong last week with the powerful “Come Closer,” Yomí has officially dropped her #THATHARPIST Mixtape. The versatile album covers a lot of ground, not dumbing itself down in any way, but rather taking the listener through a walk of sounds in carefully guided fashion. Yomí has a sense for both the delicate and the raw, infusing her work with careful craftsmanship that show her wise attention to detail.

While she has a great voice, it is the production on this album that makes it truly special. The music is beautifully arranged, incorporating live instrumentation with computer production seamlessly into rich songs that stack up next to the top artists of today. The album features MFnMelo and Blake Davis, who amplify the album without taking away Yomi's shine. It is all about Yomí here, and other musicians in the city would be wise to get her in the lab with them.