Appleby • "Pages"

Sorry for the wait :) Self-discovery takes time. Thank you for listening. Love, Appleby

Appleby is a local artist who epitomizes quality over quantity. He releases music sparingly, but every track lands with such impact that to expect anything else almost seems unreasonable. Last night he released “Pages”, which is yet another legitimation of how he releases music. “Pages” is overflowing with life, an exploration of how we make our way through life one day at a time.

“Pages” is a pop song more than anything else, and Appleby impresses as a singer. His vocals are conversational yet emotive, and the production from Elias Abid follows suit. Elias Abid has been Appleby’s most frequent collaborator, and it’s because of the chemistry we see on display here. “Pages” is what you could think of as being highest common denominator. Complex and thoughtful, and with appeal to damn near everyone.

Along with "Pages", Appleby put together a playlist accompanying the track that helps get at the heart of the song. Did we mention that this song will be appearing on tonight's episode of 'Grownish'? This song does it all. Make sure to listen to both, and catch the episode! Continue reading below to see a brief Q/A with Appleby on the song, the playlist, and what's to come in 2018.

What story did you want to tell with "Pages"?

With Pages I wanted to immortalize a relationship that ended. Like most endings it was bad but with time comes that 20/20 hindsight. And part of me will always be thankful to her for showing me that I can love and lose and still be okay.

The vocals on here are wonderful, what influences do you have as a singer?

Flattered to hear you say that about my voice. Musically my top three favorites are Adele, that's my baby lol, Coldplay's Chris Martin and Frank Ocean. But I'm inspired by anything I listen to and constantly looking to learn from anyone.   

Elias Abid knocked the production out of the park, how was it working with him?

Elias is amazing. A one of a kind person and producer that has single handedly helped me find my voice. Working with him is pressure free and exciting because he's developing as a writer in his own right so he's always there to help with ideas lyrically too.

How did you curate this playlist? What was the tie between "Pages" and these tracks?

Eric brought up the idea of a playlist. Which was fun and equally so, challenging. I had a starting point in mind which was Coldplay’s ‘Sparks’ and Seal’s ‘Kiss From A Rose’.
Then a friend Cozy aka Lisa one night suggested a handful of songs on this playlist and then suddenly it became so easy to fill in the gaps.

The tie between pages and the rest of the records are tones within the production balanced with songs that inspired the process.

"Pages" definitely has us excited for what's to come, what can people expect from Appleby in 2018?

In 2018 what people can expect from me is content. Lots of it. I spent the past year quiet and focused on self-discovery as an artist. That's a lifelong process I think. So I don't have it nailed down, but I definitely have a clearer understanding of myself and the music I want to make.