Loona Dae • Moonflower EP




“I heard that the moonflowers bloom at night . . . ”

Midnight, Friday morning, ethereal songstress, Loona Dae, dropped her sophomore solo EP, Moonflower. The project is raw emotion, captured in four tracks about love, vulnerability, and the beauty in “blooming through darkness.” Dae first announced the surprise gift at the beginning of the month. Fans had been eagerly awaiting more from her since 2017’s acclaimed Phases EP. With Moonflower, Dae demonstrates, seemingly effortlessly, why her work is always worth the wait.

Her music has always been immensely intimate. Each song like a lens pointed inward, toward a different chamber of her heart. Vulnerability has been a key element to all of  Dae’s releases thus far and her latest is no different. It’s about embracing that vulnerability, finding strength in it.

In the campaign leading up to the release, the artist discussed the Moonflower’s title and themes, explaining that, “to me [the moonflower] exemplifies my own allowance to vulnerability; blooming through darkness; wallowing in emotion ‘til purpose reveals itself.”

Dae’s mastery of her own sound has never been more clear, or more complete, than on Moonflower - she even handled the production for track number two, “Ultraviolet.”

With lovely vocals and unfeigned lyrics, Loona Dae weaves a love story about intimacy and self-awareness.