SoloSam • Highly Favored


Highly Favored

Directed by Stripmall Productions

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Under the creative guidance of Stripmall, SoloSam’s dynamic aura transforms in front of the lens with “Highly Favored”. Visually, creatively and musically capturing the essence of joy and triumph, “Highly Favored” serves as a celebratory ode to one’s diligence, perseverance and the acceptance of blessings. As he spits “My city listening, diamond glistening, watch how I handle pressure, ya’ll on desperate measures I’m on it’s whatever, I’m like betters better, yo it’s effortless,” Sam’s fluent flow and unshakable energy fluidly transitions onto the screen. As each scene morphs in “Highly Favored”  Stripmall inventively and cohesively interpret the sensation of winning from a divergent perspective. Adjust the eye and dive into the vision of SoloSam’s “Highly Favored”.