Trump Rally Planned For UIC Postponed Indefinitely

Photo by @nia_0921

Photo by @nia_0921

Amid safety concerns, the Donald Trump campaign rally scheduled for Friday afternoon at Chicago's UIC Pavillion was postponed. Although one of the more entertaining presidential elections, things might be getting a little out of hand. Donald Trump's controversial campaign has seen conflict more than most since it began. Images of protesters being pushed, punched, and dragged out of Trump rallies are regularly seen circulating the internet. 

In the days and hours leading up to the rally in Chicago, a major protest looked imminent. Protesters and supporters butted heads both in and outside the venue, making for what some are calling a chaotic environment. Shortly after arriving in Chicago, Trump spoke with law enforcement officials and decided that it would be best that he not take the podium. 

I just don’t want to see people hurt. We can come back and do it another time.
— Donald Trump

Trump goes on to comment on his disappointment about the amount of anger in this country. He also doesn't believe that anger is directed at him or his campaign, but rather political issues. Whatever the case may be, I'd imagine if Trump plans on rescheduling in Chicago, he'll have a stricter protocol in place to better avoid the people that disagree with him.   

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