Chance The Rapper (Ft. Mick Jenkins & Alex Wiley) • "Grown Ass Kid"

Grown Ass Kid: Producer - Cam O’bi; Co-production - Nascent Writers - Cam O’bi, Eryn Allen Kane, Chance, Mick Jenkins, Alex Wiley Mixing engineers - Nick Breton for Truth Studios, Jeff Lane, Elton Chueng Recording engineers - Jeff Lane, Elton Chueng, Polyester the Saint for Truth Studios Musicians - Benjamin J Shepherd (Bass), Joseph Lopez (Guitar), Nico Segal (Trumpet), JP Floyd (Trombone), Peter Cottontale (B3 Organ) Verses - Mick Jenkins, Chance, Alex Wiley Hook - Arima Ederra, Cam O’bi, Roman Flowers, Davia Janay End Skit - Ha Ha Davis

In this day and age no project sees the light of day without at least a track or two getting there first and it appears that the first such peek at Chance's Chance3 project which is due tonight at midnight comes in the form of "Grown Ass Kid" which popped up on the KanyeToThe Forum

Featuring Mick Jenkins and Alex Wiley, the single plays to the connectedness of the city and from what we're hearing was left on the cutting room floor. We're all waiting on pins and needles for the project to drop, here's one to tie you over until later tonight.

Update: It appears the producer here might be none other than Cam Osteen aka Cam O'bi, frequent Chance collaborator and all around genius with the notes who lays the beat here.