Kevin Coval Appears on The Daily Show

Chicago writer/poet/teacher Kevin Coval has been making a lot of headlines lately. The 35-year-old wordsmith released his latest book, a collection of poems titled 'The People's History of Chicago' earlier this month and capitalized on the increased attention with an appearance Wednesday on Comedy Central's satire-leaning news show with Trevor Noah. 

A catalyst of the rap scene in the city, Coval's book features a foreword from none other than Chance The Rapper, who attended the writer's collaborative 'Young Chicago Authors' after school poetry programs while learning his own craft. Looking like a true professional under the bright lights of cable, Coval represented the city appropriately, coming across like a seasoned television pro while chopping up the finer points of what being a Chicagoan today is like with the show's new host, Noah. Touching on the aspects of his work that has allowed him spaces and experiences to create a book like A People's History of Chicago, Coval's appearance Wednesday night was an important one for another side of the city, the support system often not identified. Check out the whole interview, above.